Chardonnay dominates autumn (pedigrees, piledrivers & torture wrack)

Chardonnay dominates autumn (pedigrees, piledrivers & torture wrack)

Match duration 11minuets 30 seconds
Chardonnay is looking for a match and finds autmn knocked out
Chardonnay wakes her up deciding she wants to wrestle and dominates autmn for the entire match using a back hander, suplexs, xfactors, pedigrees, piledrivers, slams, Chardonnay flex’s and victory poses whilst trapping autmn between her thighs setting up for the piledrivers and pedigrees as well as trash talking. Chardonnay puts autmn in a torture wrack, followed by a final piledriver KO’ing autmn again

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