Sierra loxton Vs Chardonnay (soph ref)


Sierra is stretching in the ring. Chardonnay
sneaks up behind her and slaps Sierra's ass.
Sierra is offended and wants to teach
Chardonnay a lesson. She calls for Soph to
come ref. Chardonnay rolls her up and tells
Soph to count quick. Chardonnay gives
Sierra another spank and Sierra is furious.
Angry Sierra squashes Chardonnay with
Submissions and strikes. She
hits a hip attack. Sierra mocks
Chardonnay and sits on her to pin. Soph
counts 3 and calls Sierra the winner. Sierra
tells Chardonnay she isn't done. She bends
Chardonnay over her knee and spanks her
while taunting. Soph raises Sierra's hand and
gives her a joking spank. Sierra isn't amused
and bends Soph over her knee and spanks
her too.
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